Every Tuesday
at 935 Eastern pkwy #5C
at 11:00 am
Nurit Sarytchev, Rochel Faygen
are the hostess of the class

Every Tuesday night
at 777 Eastern pkwy #1
at 9:30pm

Shayna Malka Roth
is the hostess of the class

Rosh Chodesh Farbrengen
Every Rosh Chodesh we gather together
to get inspired with Divrei Torah and Nigunim.
The Hostess of the Farbrengen prepares deliocious food that unites our Ruchnius with the Gashmius. That's how we built a dwelling place in this world for Hashem.
There is no Farbrengen without Lechaim, so we say Lechaim and bless each other with all the brochos one can think.
We also congratulate all the ladies who are having their Birthdays in the coming month.
At the conclusion of the event we raffle the presents amongs the participants.

Intrested in hosting or sponsoring one of the events-let us know!
in process